Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Festivities!

,We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day! We spent time with family and friends, enjoyed delicious food, laughed a lot, and...we ran in a 5K!  This was my first 5K race since my college days, and I was very excited. Roger decided that he was going to do it as well, but when I asked him what we were going to do with the kids, he responded, "We will just have them come along!". Roger knew that I really wanted to run it, so he said the kids could stay with him and walk/run with him. Travis and Wyatt sat in the double stroller and by the time the race was done, Chandler was sitting on the handle bars and Garett was hanging off the back...tuckered out! We had a wonderful time. The kids did great for how long it was and it really did create a memory for all of us. We are looking forward to the next one.

Our family-before the race!

Jared and Beka Longsine...two of our friends who also came and did the race.
Tanya, Beka, and myself after the run

Running in this 5K reminded me again of how much I have to be thankful for...good health, eyes to see, ears to hear, a wonderful husband, 4 great kids, extended family and friends, and most importantly...the confidence that Jesus Christ loves me and I am His child! I am blessed beyond measure!
Our Family-after the race-still smiling!


  1. That looks so fun! What was your time? How did you do? still running? I think it's such a good outlet for a mom to do. And It's so nice when your husband is willing to support you and help make it possible

  2. Hey Jess, It was a lot of fun! My time was 25:18, which about 7 years ago...I probably would have cried over, but after almost 7 years out of college, and four kids later, I am pretty happy with it! :) I still enjoy running, and wish I could get out and do it more often, but I'm thankful for the times that I do have to run. It's hard with it getting dark early and four kids, but I am for 3-4 runs a week. It doesn't always happen, but it's a goal! If I lived near you, I'd definitely love to run with you. It is a wonderful outlet for moms, and I come back so much happier and feel like I can do a better job being a mom after a run. And I have a wonderful husband who tries to help out wherever he can to let me have time to run. Lots to be thankful for! Looks like you are doing a great job keeping up with the running...6 mile run in October, right? Awesome!
