Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our week in review...busy, cold, snowy, and tiring!

Some weeks I spend the majority of my time at home puttering on projects, cleaning up messes, raising children, and making meals. Other weeks, like this past one, I feel tired, overwhelmed and when the week comes to an end...I have a hard time feeling like I accomplished anything.(Ever feel that way?)

Good thing God made him cute!
Roger has been working long hours, if not at work, then he's been working at the airplane hanger. I am reminded of how much I need and appreciate him when he's not around to help me! On Monday, we spent the majority of our time at home. It was pretty cold out, and I wasn't able to get in a run outside, so I did my exercise DVD instead, which actually made me sore!

Tuesday morning's run!
On Tuesday, after I dropped Garett off at school, I went to my parents house. I was able to leave the kids there for a bit, while I went running. It was a very snowy morning, but not terribly cold..about 21degrees.

On Wednesday, the temperature really dropped, and it was very cold! Garett had the day off from school, but it was a busy day with swim lessons, errands, and church.

Garett's rainbow for school
Thursday was an exciting day for my children. Garett was the treat bringer for school, and he always looks forward to that. We made a rainbow out of fruit and some delicious no-bake energy bites! Yummy! After school, we spent part of the morning at a friends house, then came home. Papa was working on the new beds! My children were ecstatic over the new bunk beds, and eager to help...which of course, really just means more work for my dad! We also had my parents for supper that night as well.

New bunk beds
Outside fun
Friday was still cold, like 1 degree, but a windchill of -24! Cold! Fridays are one of my favorite days of the week as my mom usually watches the kids in the morning, and I am free to do whatever I'd like for a few hours. I spent the morning do some errands by myself, looking at clearance in several stores (Target had great clearance!), and finished up more Christmas shopping for this year.

Three boys...one sled!
 Today was warmer...warm enough to go outside and play. We spent a good chunk of the morning sledding around the yard, playing with the kids, and having fun. After lunch, while the rest of the children were sleeping, Garett and I went on a date! We went to Fleet Farm, where Garett bought a hockey stick on clearance with some of his own money. I enjoyed my one-on-one time with my little man, who is quickly growing up.  So, that was our week! I have to update on what we ate, and how we are doing on our challenge, but now I'm off to make breakfast treats.

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