Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Lake Fun, Arguments, Father- Son Dates!

This morning the weather was foggy and Un-flyable for a little bit. While it’s bad weather for flying, it’s a good morning for coffee and visiting as a family. Our children slept in a little bit this morning as they did not get up until around 7am. After many late bedtimes with friends here, it was good for them to sleep (I wish they would’ve slept a little longer). Some of our children were a bit out-of-sorts this morning. I know that’s surprising to you as they are such perfect little angels (I KID!) but grouchiness was rearing it’s ugly head today. Garett is by far our most easy going child, but today he was looking to get in an argument with someone. He was agitated, irritated, and just plain angry at the world. I know that feeling as that was me about a week ago. It’s a combination of tiredness and grief. Garett has been bottling up and holding in and today he was a Volcano. I’ll be the first to admit that my initial response to him was not helpful, but do you know what is helpful? Assuring him that he is loved, even when he’s a bear. We will pray our way through this as well. 

After Roger headed into work later this morning, we did some cleaning and organizing around the house. Our friend, Allison, invited us to come down to the lake for a swim. Our children do not have to be asked twice if they want to go swimming! They might move slowly for other things in life, but not for swimming! They gathered up towels, swim gear, fought over who lost the goggles last and managed to get out the door. Next time everyone is going to be required to bring different colors of towels! How is it that no one forgot a towel, and yet we didn’t have enough towels?! Anyways, we had a great time. I haven’t seen Allison since before we left for our Wisconsin trip, so it was good to visit with her. She’s a good listener and a prayer partner. I’m blessed to call her my friend. The kids swam for a couple of hours, and then we gathered up our stuff to go home. Somehow, we always manage to forget something! 

This afternoon the fog rolled back in across the islands, so Roger was able to come home a bit earlier than normal! He’s been trying to make the time to take the boys on a date with just him, and tonight was the night. Travis and Wyatt were happy to go together on a date with their daddy, and I was happy to see them excited to go out to eat together. Travis is quiet and Wyatt is quieter, but between them both, they’ll have conversations. I am thankful that God provided the younger boys some special time with their daddy. 

Last night Roger and I went to church to work on something. We left the boys and Emma at home, so that we could call it a date. We both treasure the moments where we can have uninterrupted conversations these days. While on the way to church, the song “Lord, I need You” was playing. It’s one of my very favorite songs, and I looked over to tell Roger about it. I saw unheeded tears streaming from his eyes. Roger is not one to wear his emotions on his sleeve, but tears these days often come at the most unexpected times...for all of us. One of the challenges has been that we are both very overwhelmed with certain situations in our lives...and sometimes the situations are different ones. Both us are aware of the burdens that the other is carrying, but it seems so unfair to unload more on each other. I’ve been writing more in my personal journal lately, drinking more coffee, and praying more often. Roger has been more quiet, his eyes show concern, and his step sometimes seems weary. Yet God is patient, kind, and loving. He gives us blessings every single day that show us that He cares. He is in control of everything, and we just need to rest in that. And Sometimes when there are no words, music speaks. 

I told a friend recently that this has been a season of praying and waiting. Praying and waiting. Praying and waiting. If you know anything about me, you’ll know that waiting is not my favorite thing! But it’s where we are in our lives, and I need to rest in that too. 

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