Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, August 22, 2014

Our first...x rays!

Today was a first in our lives, as Garett got his first set of x rays! No worries, it wasn't because of falling out of a tree, or jumping off of a bike. :) 

Garett has been seeing a chiropractor for some struggles that he has been having with bowel movements. Ever since Garett started to walk and run, Roger has said that Garett runs funny. However, with lots of small children, I didn't give it a whole lot of thought, after all, it wasn't like I had to carry him or anything! But, Garett was our most challenging child to potty train, and even after he was potty trained, he still had lots of accidents! Roger and I have been frustrated, we've cried, yelled, cajoled, disciplined, loved, and nothing has seemed to help him to stop having accidents. Finally, at his seven year check up, our family doctor suggested that Garett might benefit from seeing a chiropractor. Well, it sure couldn't hurt! Garett started to see improvements when he first started going to the chiropractor in May; however, we stil had struggles with bowel movements and odor problems. We started having him eat yogurt at EVERY meal, and that helped. But, if he missed the yogurt, then he would have an accident. It's been almost like we haven't been able to have enough good bacteria in his system. Today, the chiropractor decided to take some  X-rays. We discovered that Garett has a few places in his spine, where the bones are not fusing and settling like they should as he grows. This has caused him to run funny, have bowel issues, and sometimes appear to be leaning to the side even though he's sitting up straight. Thankfully, everything appears to be able to be corrected back into the right places.,,with a good amount of time and adjustments! 

Also today....we finished up our second week of school! Garett found the reading book, so he was able to ride along with Papa tonight. It was very hot here today, so all the kids got in the pool...even Emma. :) I'll be glad when it's time to take that thing down, as it has been a pain in the back side! I never realized how much work Roger has to do to keep the water nice and blue! 

Roger is flying again tonight...late! He's almost done with these flying lessons and hopes to have the instrument rating wrapped up before he come home for the weekend in September. This has been a difficult week for him, since he hasn't had classes, but has been having flying lessons. He is ready to be done with this phase, but finishing up these flying lessons has proved to be a challenge. We covet your prayers, Sarah 

Saturday, August 23,2014

It was a full day, but a good day for our family. Ever since Roger came home for the visit in July, the weekends have been harder...for all of us. It's just hard to always be bright and positive when I look into the faces of five little children who need their daddy as much as I do. 

I had wanted to go to the farmers market this morning, but that just didn't fit into the day. Garett came home about 10:00 from his night with Papa. He claimed that he only slept for twenty minutes, but according to Papa, it was much more than that! :) Garett brought home some sweet corn that had fallen off of the truck, and he was very excited about it! He had a great time, and I'm glad that he was able to go.

Since my mom brought Garett home, I asked her to take me to pick up our station wagon. It's a lot more difficult getting vehicles dropped off for repairs, when there is only one person! Well, the bill was high, but the car has new tires, runs great, and is ready for the winter months. After we picked up the car, we headed to Oshkosh to run a few errands...like the YMCA and Menards. Even though I take the kids with me all the time, I'm always amazed at how much longer everything takes! :) 

The kids did do really well on our shopping trip, and we found some bargains. :) I used my Menards rebate check to purchase items today, and we paid .42 for everything we bought! Yay! 

This afternoon we went to a birthday party for some friends of ours. It was a princess party for two little girls, and Chandler claimed it was very girly! :) but the boys had a great time playing with some friends, being outside, and eating lots of cake! :) Of course, no one was able to have rest time because we went to the party, so I had some rather tired chicken by evening time. I fed them corn,cheese, and chicken for supper, gave them baths, had Bible time and put them in bed...no one protested. :)

Roger will be flying tonight at midnight, so I know that he would appreciate your prayers. This is getting long and exhausting for both of us...in opposite ways. I'm thankful that God always gives sufficient grace, for every moment. 

Sunday, August 23, 2014
Crazy day! That is about my summary of the day! :)

Emma was up early this morning about 6, so that made getting a run in a bit of a challenge. I did get in two miles, but it was more of a walk, since Wyatt woke up too. They were both in the stroller, and I did the pushing! :) 

It was our week for children's church this week, and I wanted to do an object lesson. However, I'm so thankful that I decided to try it out to make sure it would work! Although I nearly lit the house on fire, I never did get the object lesson to do what it was supposed to do. Oh well, Pinterest to the rescue! I found one that would work, and I actually liked it. I like it when the kids say, "wow, that was so cool!" Success! :) 

I put water on a paper plate, and then I sprinkled pepper all over the water. I explained how the pepper represents sin in our lives, and our lives become dirty. However, when we ask Jesus to come into our heart, we can resist sin. I then put a few drops of dish soap on the pepper, and the pepper "ran" to the sides of the  plate. It was pretty cool, and I had fun. 

After church, we went to the grocery store for milk. Actually, I'm thinking we should just buy a cow instead! Anyways, we made it home for salads for lunch, and then rest time. Unfortunately, Emma fell asleep in the car, so she woke up twenty minutes after the boys laid down. (No worries...I brought her in from the car earlier, and she had been sleeping in her bed!) The boys stayed in bed as little longer, but Emma is rather noisy, so soon everyone was up. Oh well, outside they went! And they came back in red faced and  thirsty in about 30 minutes. It was warm today with high humidity, so they came back inside to play with Legos and cars. 

Even if I wasn't a person who normally attended Sunday night church, I probably would have gone tonight. Our house doesn't have air conditioning, but the church is really comfortable! :) (Just so you know, I do go to church for more than air conditioning and to use the toliet paper!) :) 

I was in the nursery tonight, so I left the two older boys upstairs in the church service (insert nervous sigh here!). I hope they did okay about sitting still...no one complained, so I'm assuming they did okay. Chandler told me he took a nap, so he was really good! :)

The two little boys came to nursery with me. It does create a bit more chaos, but I'm not quite confident in my parenting skills to leave them in the church service without me! But, I was able to do nursery work with one of my favorite people, so it worked out nicely for me. :) I had a great time of fellowship with my pastors wife, and we never run out of things to talk about. Sometimes, I even accuse her of getting in my brain! :) I'll always cherish those memories. 

And now we are home, for snack, of course! Then teeth brushing and bed...oh, hallelujah!

On a very awesome note...Roger is going to come home this weekend! It's Travis's birthday tomorrow, Garett's is on Saturday, and our anniversary is on Tuesday...it will be a good weekend to come home! :) Someone sent our family a gift of money to use to help our family. We decided that this would be a good use for that money...God knows we need a weekend as a family!!

Monday, August 25, 2014
I'm not generally a fan of Mondays; however, today was an exception since it is Travis's birthday! :) Our youngest son turned four today! Where on earth did those four years go?! Travis has been a special delight to our family, since he loves to make the boys laugh, enjoys playing with Wyatt, and has been a very easy going child...the Lord knew we needed that after having four boys in four years!!

It was a busy day with school this morning, and Travis was very excited about picking out a cake a walmart! He picked the one with the deer hunter and the deer...and spent the whole trip home explaining to me that the deer hunter was going to shoot the deer. "But, don't worry mom, it's a pretend deer. So I won't get blood on the cake!" 

We had our friends, the Longsines over for the afternoon, so the majority of the day was spent outside. I have several red faced children and lots of requests for ice water tonight! :) 

We had dinner at our friend, Tanya's house, along with the Longsine friends, and the Carpenter family. The boys had a great time spending more time outside and jumping on the trampoline. I know the kids are wore out since I had no complaints about baths and bed! :) All the kids were more than ready for bed, so I'm hoping that every one sleeps well and is refreshed for school tomorrow! :) 

We are very excited about Roger/daddy coming home this weekend. He will get home late on Friday, and he will leave on Tuesday. It's a short trip again, and I wanted to keep a surprise. However, when three out of the four boys were crying a lunch about missing their daddy, I decided to go ahead and tell them. Hopefully, the days will pass by quickly until Friday!

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