Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, June 8, 2020

CHURCH (and in the church building!)

Church! I very much wanted to write on the blog yesterday to tell everyone how wonderful it was to be back in church yesterday, but by the end of the day I was too tired!

Yesterday was a full and glorious day of being the CHURCH in the church building! It was like an emotional mountain top experience as we sang and worshipped together. I had the rare opportunity to be able to help with the music on Sunday, so that was just an added treat to being in the church building. While many of the older people did not come, we still did have some of the older folks come out. One older gentleman, who is a WWII veteran came and sat in on the service. I had the opportunity to speak to him, and he told me how incredibly lonely he’s been these last few weeks. These weeks have take a toll on our older people due to the isolation and loneliness that happens when life is “normal” much less when life is turned upside down as it has been in the last few weeks.

We had communion at church yesterday, which of course looked different than before COVID. All the bread was in little individual baggies, and the ushers wore masks and gloves, and handed the juice to us. However, you know you have a big family, when it’s time for communion, and they hand you a baggie that has a lot of pieces of bread in it! I was reminded that it’s going to take a bit for our children to readjust to church routines. We had a bit of discussion over whether its more important to remember our Bibles or our bikes. We had a discussion about proper protocol during communion. We had a discussion about leaving on our shoes and socks during the service. And we had a discussion about what church means to them. All that makes it sound like we had really big issues at church...we did not. However, I firmly believe in addressing a problem before the molehill becomes a mountain!

Roger was working, but we stuck around for a picnic on the back lawn of the church. Again, it was different as we all brought our own lunches, but the fellowship was surely sweet! It was lovely to hear children’s voices on the playground, kids riding bikes, some playing soccer and signs of rejoicing all around us. It made for a short afternoon, but it was worth it all!

We had youth group last night. We did not have a whole lot of teens come out, but as we have more and more of our own children approaching the teen years, I am thankful for our church teens. God has been so good to us in allowing us to raise these children for His honor and glory. While the decision ultimately lies in the hearts of each of our children, we cannot shirk our responsibility in investing in their lives and pointing them to Jesus. I don’t know about you, but the recent events in our nation have again reminded me the importance of raising the next generation for Christ. May we raise up a generation that will stand fast, be strong, be courageous, love others, serve, and be on fire for God.

This morning I got in an argument with two of our sons. I know you’re thinking, how?! Well, I am very imperfect and raising imperfect children -that’s how! I said some angry words as did they. These arguments usually happen because someone thinks that they were wronged, and they want justice. I become angry because they’re being selfish and unreasonable in thinking that they were wronged.  Feelings get hurt, tempers become hot, and words can fly. It was an emotional morning that resulted in me going on a long walk with two of our sons...separately. At the end of it all, we asked for forgiveness, admitted failures and moved on. I told my sons that I don’t think it the mistakes that are remembered, but more often the response to the mistakes. We will mess up. We will fail people. We will be unkind. We will be hurt. But at the end of the day, what is our response? We are imperfect people serving a perfect God! We serve a God who never, ever fails us. I pray that some day the boys will become best friends with each other and their parents! I told one of my sons that I wanted to be his best friend in life. He replied, “I don’t think today is that day, Mom.” He was not disrespectful about it, but he was just telling me his thoughts. I’ve got plenty of room for improvement over here!

Coronavirus news: 18 new cases today. No new deaths today. 27 new recoveries today. And our governor has revealed another step in her ‘re-open” Maine plan. You can read about it Here

I have a lot I could say on recent events in our nation, but I’ll save it for another time. I will say this: If America is going to survive as a nation build on capitalism, then we must start thinking for ourselves. The media has no checks and balances, and all it takes is a little research to figure out there is more than just one side. We’ve got to start reading and educating ourselves! Are there problems in our nation? Yes! Mankind was born a sinner! We love darkness rather than Light! However, that does not mean we wallow in self-pity that our nation is falling apart! Get up! Be the Light! (That was a long statement for telling you I’d save it for another day!)

Emma was enjoying the swings yesterday 

This one doesn’t often take pictures with me...love him!

Loved seeing the kids and adults playing after church. 

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