Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Day: Summer...Fun, Experiments, and Adventures!

Picnics, lake swimming, pool swimming, biking, running, and ice cream! I’d say summer is here at our  house! 

Yesterday God provided a beautiful day for the year end celebration for some of our school students. The temperature was perfect for an outdoor event, and the whole event was very relaxed. We had about 36 total people (students, staff and helpers) at the event. The students were happy to see each other, and it was a morning well spent. We had a short chapel time, and I have missed hearing the students sing. It was a special blessing to my heart to listen to them sing. 

After the morning event, the boys had a friend over to our house. They played outside, and later in the afternoon we took their friend, Calvin, home. Chandler stayed home as he had been struggling with a migraine most of the day. He came right home from the school event and climbed into bed for nap. Since we were taking Calvin home to his cottage on the lake, and Chandler did not want to go, I know he was not feeling well! Chandler very much enjoys fishing, and he really had a migraine if he was willing to stay home! Poor kid! The rest of us went off to take Calvin home. Garett and Calvin went fishing, while I visited with Ginger, and the other children swam in the lake! Brrr! It was a great afternoon, and I enjoyed visiting with Ginger. It’s a special blessing to have other mom friends that have boys around the ages of our boys, and I appreciate the opportunity to “pick” other moms brains for ideas and encouragement. 

Chandler woke up this morning feeling much better, and we spent the morning cleaning up around our house and yard-a never ending project! Garett had just loaded all the trash into the van, when my friend, Claire, sent me a text. She was asking if the kids wanted to go swimming for a bit, but only until 11am. It was about 9:15am. I asked the kids if they wanted to go swimming...of course! Garett said that he would take the trash out of the car so that we could go swimming, and then we could come home and he would help with the trash again...yes, he wanted to go swimming! So, off we went to go swimming! It was a spur of the moment trip, and I’m not usually like that, but every once in a while, it’s a good thing! It was a fun morning of swimming, and then we went to see Roger at the airport. Someone had given the business some lunch food, and so the boys were happy to be invited to eat lunch! As we were sitting there at the picnic table, Roger taxied up in the plane. He had a few passengers, and one of the passengers came over to the kids. He gave me twenty dollars and said that it was to take the kids to Dairy Queen for ice cream. You should’ve seen five sets of eyes light up! The kids are very much looking forward to having an ice cream treat! 

Chandler was busy this morning with a magnifying glass, an apple and a piece of wood. I know you’re thinking...what in the world? He polished the apple, and then placed it under the magnifying glass. While it never ignited, he did get the apple to start smoking! Weird! Then with the wood, he managed to get a small flame, and yes, this was on our porch under some supervision! I’m thankful that he likes to create and “see what will happen” experiments. Sometimes, I wish he wouldn’t make quite such a big mess doing things, but he is learning! 

Garett also learned a valuable lesson this week...he is not a bike mechanic yet! He recently purchased a very nice bike, And he has been extremely responsible in taking care of it. He thought it had a “clicking sound”, so he took something apart, and then something else...do you see where this is going? Well, pretty soon he couldn’t get it all back together. He watched several YouTube videos, and Roger helped him with it some too, but it’s a problem with a cable, brakes and gears. The bike needed to go to a bike shop. Garett was so bummed out, but it was a valuable lesson learned to  not “guess at what the problem is”, and to ask Dad about it first. However, it was a small victory in that Garett admitted that he had made the mistake and that it was his fault that the bike couldn’t go back together. Actually, this is a big victory! Oftentimes, I feel like explanations go around in circles around here as everyone tries to shift the blame! We are a work in progress. 

Tonight was Garett’s night to make supper. He made spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, and peas and carrots. He did a good job, as it was a lot of pots to watch. However, his brothers told him “thank you” and that the food was good! And it was a delicious supper. 

Tomorrow I will be playing the piano for another church. I’m always a bit nervous about playing the piano at other places, so I’d appreciate your prayers. Also, the Maine DOE has said that the state will decide when and if students return to school in the fall, and not the local school districts. Please pray that  we will be able to return to school in the fall, at the school building. This is a big prayer request for us. 

I had a conversation with one of our teachers today. I had heard some positive praise about her teaching, and I wanted to pass it on. As in any profession, sometimes the negative gets passed on but the praise seems few and far between. I was happy to pass on what I had heard, and it totally made her day. It was also a reminder to me to be sure to praise and give out sincere compliments. It’s so easy to complain or to be negative, but yet a “word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver”. I also enjoyed the opportunity to pray with my friend and fellow teacher. It was so good to pray over so many of the shared concerns, and I am forever thankful that God does not get weary of hearing from us! 

God is faithful! Thankful that we serve a God who sees and knows all. I don’t know about you, but the recent events that have happened across our nation is disheartening and discouraging sometimes. I am thankful that God knows exactly what the future holds. The end of the story is that HE REIGNS! 

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