Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Day# Float Planes & Beaches!

“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. In the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness...” The words to this Scripture passage and song keep running through my head the last few days, and it’s been a good reminder that no matter what- God is good! 

We’ve been enjoying summer here (for at least a few days!). We could really, really use some rain, but we will rejoice and play in the sunshine. Yesterday Garett and Chandler had the opportunity to go with Roger’s boss on a float plane ride. The older boys were ecstatic, and the younger two were practically in tears! It was a good reminder to point them to the Word, “Rejoice with those that rejoice.” It was a hard concept for them yesterday, but we had a good time while the older boys were away with Kevin. We are so thankful that Roger works for such a wonderful boss who is willing to take our children with him on float plane rides. Our children need men and women of character, integrity, and hard-working to invest in the lives of our children. We are so blessed that Roger has a job with such a great boss. 

Yesterday, I spent some time putting together a chore chart (yes, I am THAT mom!) and school summer packets for our kids. I’ll admit no one was thrilled about the chore chart or the summer packets, but it sure makes my life easier to have it all laid out and lined up. We divided up the chores for each day from sweeping, to meals, to laundry, to cleaning the bathroom, to mowing the grass. It’s not a whole lot per day, but when it’s assigned by day, it’s much easier than trying to remember who did a chore last! It eliminates a lot of “It’s not my turn” or “I did it last time”. We are a work in progress! 

Today we spent the morning at the beach. It was the perfect temperature for the beach this morning as you didn’t need a jacket, but you didn’t feel like the sun was roasting you. We met a friend at the beach (Hannah and her three little ones) and it was a morning well spent. The kids tromped all over the beach, digging holes, and playing happily. We looked like two moms that had moved to the beach. Hannah had brought along some dump trucks and diggers, our boys had shovels (real shovels!) and Emma had dragged along some of her baby doll stuff! It was a menagerie of assorted things, but a good time was had by all. I always enjoy spending time with Hannah, and we never run out of things to talk about. 

I had a meeting this afternoon to discuss plans for Children’s Sunday School this summer. Everything is different this year, and since we can’t have VBS, we are working at coming up with other ways to minister  to our children. One thing’s for sure, we cannot be lazy in raising up the next generation! I don’t know about you, but the last eleven weeks have just increased my resolve and commitment to try to raise up children who love and serve God. We must be diligent, prayerful and purposeful! 

Maine news; 40 additional recoveries today. and nine new cases. What I want to know is why do the headlines lead with “Nine additional cases” instead of “40 New Recoveries”? My opinion is that the media thrives on people being fearful, so yes, by all means lead with the negative news! We are continuing to pray for God’s wisdom as we await guidelines for the school year from the state. I wish that whether or not schools would reopen would remain in the hands of the local school districts instead of the state. I’m not a fan of our state’s leadership at the moment, so I’m very prayerful about decisions that will be made that could affect our little school. Please pray with us! However, as I’ve stated before God is still on the throne, and He is ever interceding on our behalf.

Rejoice the Lord is King! 

A friend shared this song with me. I have come to treasure the words and the truths in this song. Jesus, Strong and Kind.  Here

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