Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, June 13, 2014

Starting week number two! Saturday, June 7

We enjoyed a "down" day as a family. We spent time together, skping with Roger, a walk as a family, and a nap for all of us. Of course, later tonight I realized that I forgot to take the trash to the dump, and that the pool filter needs to be clean because the pool is getting greenish...great! Obviously, I'm still not aware of all the things I need to do while Roger is away. I was also informed by one of my children, that  dad plays baseball better, and that dad is better at ALL the sports than mom. "Why, thank you, son...I already knew that!"

Tonight we went to a friends house for supper. It was a pleasant way to end the day after being surrounded by little people all day, and I really enjoyed some adult conversation! Chandler and Wyatt spent the night at their friends house, which they were ecstatic upon hearing the invitation! It's the first time they've ever slept over at someone's house who isn't family. So, we'll see how that goes.

All in all, it was a good day. Sometimes I miss Roger so much it feels like a physical ache deep inside, but in a few short years,this will be a memory for us.
Love my little boy!

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