Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, June 6, 2014

Day one...a change in plans!

The change in plans is on my part, not my husbands. I realized today that I am going to have to modify some of my goals for this summer.

One, running a half marathon is not going to be possible!! Roger watches the kids so I can run/get out by myself, so it just won't happen this summer. It's a goal that can be accomplished later on in life. However, I do need to figure out how I'm going to find time to exercise regularly...I'm one of those weird people that gets really grouchy when they don't exercise! :) So, I think I will start by setting my alarm a little earlier.

Two, I'm thankful that Roger has taken care of the trash in the four years we've lived here. Wow, what a job...bagging up trash, hauling it to the dump...not my idea of fun, but we did it! :) 

We stayed busy today with going to a few yard sales, cleaning up the yard, a friend came over with some clothes for Emma, and we went to a friends open house get-together. Chandler has been asking and praying for a new bike, and today he found one!! I'm so thankful that God hears the prayers of my children! We found a bike today for $5.00 at a yard sale!! Yay! It's pink, but nothing that a can of spray paint can't fix. :)

Friday Fun!
My dad brought over his lawn mower and took ours home with him, so hopefully, it will be an easy fix. My sister mowed the lawn for us, so that relieved one thing on the to-do list. I'm so thankful for all the friends that have offered to help out, to pray for us, and to encourage us...we are blessed. One more thing I'm thankful for...Skype!! I'm thankful that the boys can see daddy and talk to him about their day as it makes bedtime a little easier on them.

Thanks for the prayers, 

This is what going to the store for milk looks
like these days!

We survived day two!! All children were fed, beds made, teeth brushed, socks on ( I didn't  say that they matched!), and we made it to church on time. It was Sunday School promotion Sunday, so the kids were excited about that. We now have three boys in our children's church class, and Travis told me he was very sad about being by himself. It's hard to believe that Wyatt is in the kindergarten class, Chandler in first grade, and Garett in second grade...wow!

Somehow, I managed to get an infection in my finger, so I ended up going to the walk in clinic this afternoon. The doctor gave me a shot to numb it, and then proceeded to clean it out...and I fainted. I could feel it happening, and that is such a weird feeling. Thankfully, my sister had watched the kids at our house, so no one was along on the fainting excursion! My finger is feeling much better now, so that's a blessing!

The kids were able to skpe with Roger tonight, and they really enjoy that...Emma hasn't been crazy about it, but she's getting better at not touching and disconnecting the call! It's the little things I think, that are the hardest...running into the store for milk is a lot harder with five small children; and getting lunch on the table and putting kids down for naps is a lot more challenging without daddy here to help everyone get a drink, go potty, and put them in bed while Mom feeds the screaming baby. But the kids have all eaten something today, they brushed their teeth, I told them I love them, and the lights are out for the night. Now, I'm off to shut off my lights and head to bed.

Another day done...yay! God is so good to us! We did house work, painting ( mostly, my sister and Chandler did that), kids played in the rain puddles, lots of laundry, helped with a church activity, and lots of other things. Wyatt asked me this morning when daddy would be back...ummm... :)

I'm thankful that my mom kept the kids while I helped with a dinner for some volunteers that are working on a building project at our church. It was nice to get away from them for a bit, and my patience does start to waver ( a lot!!) at times.

My finger is still very sore, and I'm supposed to be taking an antibiotic for it; however, I just haven't made it to the pharmacy. I'm thankful for friends who are willing to go out of their way to help me. Kelli graciously offered to get my prescription filled at Wal mart, and then she even brought it to my house! However, that might be because she's a nurse and it was killing her that I wasn't taking my medicine. :) But, now I've started taking it.

Tonight during family devotions, we were talking about David. I told the kids that God only wants us
to have one wife, and David was wrong to like Bathsheba. Chandler says "oh, that's why you have
one ring on your finger?" I said that it showed I was married. Chandler then replied, " so the ladies that have lots of rings on their fingers, do they have lots of husbands?!" Wow!! Umm...no! :)

The day was not boring, I am missing my running miles; but, I am so blessed.

Boys will be boys!

Day three...glad for family, sisters, grace, and a beautiful day! I told The Lord that I wasn't going to set my alarm, but if I woke up before 5:30, I would go for a run. I've really been missing my running time, but figured that if I went at 5:30, I could run up and down the driveway for a few miles at least. Well, Travis came in my room at 5:22 to ask for some water. :) He went right back to sleep, but I decided to try to get in two miles. And...I did! :) I also was able to catch up on my Bible reading and be back in the house with coffee in hand before anyone stirred!!

I made a meal for the work team at our church, and brought it all into town about 4:30. I had a a great visit while working with another friend, Amy, and setting up for the supper meal. My sister took the boys to the Oshkosh library and signed them up for the summer reading program...yay! They had a great time, and I'm so thankful for my family. 

The day has had its challenges...the younger two boys seem to be more clinging to me and everyone wants to sleep with mom at night! Travis has wanted me around all day, and was only convinced to go with the boys to the library by the promise of going to the park afterwards. Emma has had a rough day today. I couldn't figure out why she's been so fussy today, until I realized that my milk supply has drastically dried up!! She eats a variety of table food, so I don't worry so much about nursing. However, at bedtime...it's a different story. She finally took a sippy cup with some watered down juice, and I've been drinking water like crazy!! I'm not sure if it's my body responding to the antibiotic for my finger, or just not drinking enough water. Either way, we'll find out, and hopefully, she'll sleep through the night!!

I've been blessed beyond words with friends that have offered to watch the boys, fix our lawn mower, and show that they care for us.


It feels like we should be on day 44, not four, but here we are just getting started. I can tell I'm near the very tired stet, as I tend to be more emotional. Once we adjust to survival state, we'll be fine, but for now I am a tad emotional. The day was busy for me,as I got up at 5:15 to run a few miles. Then home for Bible reading, breakfast, directing children with chores, laundry, cleaning, and today was trash day again. I took what we had to the dump simply because it's not as overwhelming to do it in small amounts.

I think Chandler is struggling a bit too,as he was very emotional today as well, and that's not
My new haircut!
Ike him. He wants me to teach him how to play the piano, so I gave him a short lesson and a few pointers. Later I found him in bed crying because he couldn't play the piano like mom can!!! Ummm....good things take time!

My sister came over and painted some more so the kitchen and trim is almost completely done...yay! The boys did their reading for the summer program, and everyone laid down for a little quiet time...including mom.

Wednesdays are probably going to be my most challenging day. I often have errands to run, and church starts a little later, so we get home later. Then it's helping everyone get ready for bed, brush teeth, put pull ups on those that might wet the bed, get sips of water, and nurse the baby (who is usually screaming by then!). However, it does make me appreciate the quietness of the house in a whole new way! Of course, with Roger not here, I hear all kinds of noises.

I'm looking forward to Friday. A friend invited us to her house for breakfast, which will be a lot of fun. And another sweet friend, along with her hubby, are coming over to mow grass, bring their go- cart, supper, and their kids, so I can have a little time to myself! I am blessed!!!

Forward... Almost through our first week, and I'm finding myself rather emotional; however, we are settling into survival mode. The younger two boys have been extremely clingy and whiny, and I have to constantly remind myself to be patient with them.

I'm finding my biggest battle to be the challenge of being a consistent parent...what I say I must follow through with doing. I'm also discovering that because I have more responsibilities, I automatically think that the boys should be more responsible. However, that not something that they are naturally picking up on. :) And they have been very helpful for the most part, I just have to remember to give them jobs that they can do. I've noticed that I've been harder on our oldest son lately, as in giving him a lot more chores; but I reminded myself today that he is only seven and trying to adjust too. So, I give him grace. Grace because that's what God daily gives to me, Grace because it's a reflection of what Christ did on the cross, grace because it strengthens and encourages my relationship with them... and because it's the title of the parenting book I'm reading. :)

I was able to spend time with my sister today, as she is leaving tomorrow for North Carolina to visit my other sister. We had a great time just visiting together and hanging out with Emma. My parents kept the boys for a bit and the boys "helped" plant the garden, water the plants, rode  bikes, and played for hours outside. Needless to say, it was baths for everyone tonight.

Today I'm thankful for a beautiful day, time spent with my sister, and the adventures we are looking forward to having tomorrow. We are going to have brunch at a friends house, and then some good friends of ours are coming over to cut grass, watch children, and bring dinner...I am blessed!

FRIDAY:  One week is D-O-N-E!!
A day full of fun, adventures, and exploring! We went to Autumn's house for brunch today, and the boys were thrilled to see that they have a pond in their backyard! And, they also have a paddle boat! The boys could have stayed all day playing with the boat and the water, but we came home for rest time at mom's insistence. :) Later in the afternoon, our friends, Jenn and Arien, came over for a bit. What a blessing! They brought their lawnmower, the go-cart, dinner, and offered to watch all the kids while I went out by myself for a bit...yay!! I got my hair cut, I used my free Starbucks birthday drink, and I wandered around Target...all by myself! I had so much fun, and I came back refreshed and recharged. My amazing friend also picked up my house, folded clothes, and made my house look fresh again...I can't say thank you enough!

All in all, it's been a good week. We've stayed busy, been able to Skype with Roger, and have survived week one! On to the next week...

Roger's update:
He was able to spend a few days with his brother in Georgia. He spent a few days relaxing with their family, and will arrive in Florida today. He's looking to get settled into his room today, church tomorrow and classes bright and early on Monday!

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