Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bountiful Blessings!

This past week, we finally caught a sick bug in our house. We had made it up to this point without so much as a sniffle, but by Friday afternoon, I was losing my voice! I had begun to feel a bit tired and run down earlier in the week, but by the weekend, I was just low on energy. I spent Sunday at home resting, and I have continued to feel better every day. Roger caught a bit of sickness, but he’s on the mend too. My personal opinion is that we escape a lot of sicknesses because of so much time spent outside in the fresh air. Also, working in the preschool has probably helped my immunities also! Lots of sniffles and sneezes in that space sometimes!

We’ve experienced a bit of warmer weather this past week, so I think the ice skating rink is done for the year. The boys were disappointed that they did not have more opportunities to use it, but I know that they skated well over 100 hours on that rink! I’d say we got our monies worth for this year!

Allison and I were able to get away for a quick lunch on Friday afternoon. We both seem to be short on time these days, but it makes me treasure the moments we have together that much more. Chandler and Wyatt were invited to go with some friends on Friday night to a Christian music event. Wesley and Levi have been good friends with our boys since our first school year here, so they were thrilled to get to go with them. The event was in Portland, so it was a late, late night! Roger stayed up to wait for them to get home safely, while I crawled in bed way earlier! Chandler and Wyatt both spoke with great excitement on Saturday morning. Chandler went with me to go grocery shopping later in the day, and it was such a blessing to hear him talk about how so many Christians were raising their voices to sing to Jesus. Music is such a powerful, powerful way of conveying a message, which is why we try to be selective in what the boys can listen to. Not all “Christian music” is worthy of listening to, in my opinion. The flip side of that is that I also don’t think that every hymn in the hymn book are also worth singing. Sometimes I read the words to some popular Christian song and think, “Well, maybe it’s just me, but that song is very doctrinally shaky!” And the same with some very old songs also. It why I’m trying to teach our children that we must measure everything by the Word of God. We teach a song in preschool called the “Bible is the the Word of God, Word of God, Word of God. The Bible is the Word of God, and God’s Word is true!” Therefore the standard of truth is God’s Word. It doesn’t matter what someone says, what the media states, etc. the truth of the matter is...what does God’s Word say?!

I think it’s especially crucial to teach our next generation to seek out truth in God’s Word as we live in a world that says “truth is whatever you want it to be”! What nonsense! Roger and I just voted yesterday in our state primary, and it was disheartening. I’m thankful that my confidence is in the Lord and not in mankind. We (as a state...not me!) voted to instill mandatory vaccinations in order for children to attend schools (private or public) and even online colleges. I actually think vaccinations are a good thing, but its a very slippery slope when the government gets to tell me what I MUST do! As I grow older,  I realize that I am not fearful for myself, but if I was to be fearful about something, it would be the future of our children. Will they know America as I know it? Will they have the opportunity to vote? Will their right to bear arms be permanently revoked? Thankfully, we are give a mandate to not live in fear. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” So we will pray, and we will work and we will fight against growing weary!

We are now about five weeks away from our Academic Fair night for school, and the ideas are flying around our house! I’ve got one that seems to think that if he just puts it off long enough, it’ll go away.  One that has tried to change his mind a billion times; one that is anxious; one that is carefree...oh, just another day in paradise! I’m thankful for baby steps in the process and that it doesn’t all have to come together tonight!

Three children had follow-up dentist appointments on Monday afternoon. Emma had a tooth that had lost its filling, and Wyatt and Garett had small cavities to take care of. We spent the afternoon in the dentist office! I had brought plenty of work to do with me, but the office did not have internet. I should’ve brought my book instead! I think I read about every magazine there, and there were some pretty stupid magazines there. I was particularly appalled by the celebrity magazines! One, wow...some hideous outfits in those pages. Secondly, the cost of their outfit or jewelry was listed. I have a hard time reading about a charity they support or organization that needs recognition when their jewelry costs over $50,000! Ridiculous! And people in other countries actually are starving! Okay, rant over!

Garett had an adverse reaction to the numbing medicine at the dentist, and by the time we arrived home on Wednesday evening, he was pretty miserable. I know this because Roger grilled out some meats on the grill, and Garett resisted the meat and only ate rice! For Garett to eat only rice-He is not feeling well! He ended up staying home on Tuesday as he did not sleep well the night before. I took him out the airport before school started since Roger was working. I picked up Garett after preschool, and brought him home. He stayed home with Emma while I went to get some blood drawn for some labs Ive needed to get done. I’m so thankful that Garett is now old enough to watch Emma for a bit if needed!

I derailed about the dentist appointment, but truthfully, I was blown away by someone’s generosity towards me and our family. When we came home from the dentist, there was a letter in our mailbox. I love to get mail, so I opened the letter right in the driveway. A friend had written me to tell me that she had been praying and thinking about me, our trip to Haiti, and our family. She was not going to be able to go to Haiti, but she felt that God wanted her to give towards my trip to Haiti or a need that we had. God is so, so good and right on time! We had just dished out several hundred dollars last week for the vehicle inspection, excise tax, and registration on our van. And also, our first installment of money for the missions trip is due by March 10. Ever have those moments where your breath is taken away by the goodness of God?! Yeah, that was a moment on Monday afternoon. As tears flooded my eyes, it was the perfect opportunity to tell my kids that we serve a big, big God Who is always faithful! Kristen was used of God in a mighty way, and it’s a moment that I will never forget. The airline tickets were purchased today, and the countdown has begun! We have a Patriotic Program first, and then two days later, we leave for Haiti...much to get done!

*Emma has been asking Roger for a “date” to go get her hair cut. On Tuesday afternoon, she “wrote” these notes for a scavenger hunt. When Roger came home from work, she told Roger she had a scavenger hunt for him. He followed the clues to one where Chandler had helped Emma write a note saying that she was going on a date with Daddy to get her hair cut! It was very creative! I know she got the idea from Aunt Jenn who did a scavenger hunt with them for a Christmas present.

*We base our meals and what meat we eat based on what is on sale, what’s been given us, and what’s in the freezer. While out grocery shopping, Chandler and I were looking at meat. Chandler told me that he liked pork meat. I was like, “Oh, what kind of pork meat do you like?” Chandler replied, “I like the pork that does karate.” What in the world?! I could not figure it out, until Chandler says, “Mom, like pork chops!” (Ah, the pig that does karate!) Needless to say, I certainly got a chuckle out of our conversation!

Our love,

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