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Robertson Family

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday ....Day #NO Room for Apathy!

Happy Sunday! “This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” So, did you find a reason to rejoice today? Today if you lived in the United States, and you have access to internet, you are without excuse to have not hear the Word of God!  Many of us were in the same boat of not being able to worship with other believers at an actual church building. However all across America today, preachers preached the Word. My facebook feed was literally flooded with churches having online services via Facebook live or Youtube or some other resource. It was actually a bit overwhelming as there were so many church services happening at the same time.


Chandler’s bulletin 

So thankful for this man! 

You know what the word of the day is today: Apathy...there is NO room for apathy! Apathy means to not care about anything or want to do anything. I know I’m jumping on a band wagon today, but hear me out. I am so sick and tired of people not caring about anyone but themselves! I had a conversation with someone today who told me that their lives really hadn’t changed much lately, so what was the big deal?! Really? Are we such a selfish people that we care so little about the regards of others and only about ourselves? God forbid! Oh, God forbid! I do not want to become the person that lives in my house, hoarding food, being selfish, and I refuse to allow that for my children either! Along the same apathy train, how many Christians have been apathetic to church? The attitude of: “If we make it, great. If not, oh well.” Today we all had to make a conscious choice to either follow along with a church service via the internet, or to have a service with our own family members, or to do absolutely nothing but stare at the t.v. and worry about ourselves? Which choice did you make?  “Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 “Whatsoever you do, do it with all your heart as unto the Lord...” Colossians 3:23a

Okay, back from my rabbit trail. :)  So, today was Sunday. I generally do not get on the internet in the morning, so by the time I did, some church services were over, some were just starting, and some were in the middle. It was interesting to scroll down and see so many church services all in one spot so to speak. However, we had church with our family, and to be honest, it’s a memory I will forever hold dear. Travis “taught” part of the Sunday School lesson. He read a story from the children’s Bible book about how Jesus loves the little children. It was so delightful to my heart to hear him read, and to express with confidence that Jesus loves him. My mom also taught a short Sunday school lesson to the kids. Wyatt and Travis sang “America the Beautiful” and practiced their sign language skills also. They have been working on that song for the Patriotic Program, and I almost lost it as I heard them sing...”America, America, God shed His grace on thee.” Truly God has shed his grace on America, and I am trusting that He will do it again because of the prayers of God’s people.  Garett read us a chapter from the book of John, which he also has to do as part of his school work. I thought that after reading such a long chapter, he’d have no idea what the chapter was talking about...but I was wrong. He gave a great synopsis on the woman at the well needing everlasting water that only Jesus could give. Garett sang special music with me, and it always brings great delight to me to sing along with him. Truly, it was a special delightful service. Chandler wrote up the bulletin for us, and he made copies of it too. Chandler asked if we should put “taking up the offering” in the bulletin. I told him that since it was just our family, we could probably skip that part. I told him that we had already dropped off our offering check at the church. Its’ important for our children to know that we dont’ stop giving simply cause we are at home. Chandler also read us a verse that he has been studying, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee.” My dad closed the service by bringing a challenge from God’s Word. My heart is always filled to overflowing when I listen to my children talk about or read God’s Word. It’s a reminder that I truly am blessed beyond measure.

Also, today was Roger’s birthday. If it had been my birthday, I’d have probably been disappointed in the day, but Roger is such a good sport about so many things. I made homemade cinnamon rolls for his birthday breakfast, and we had coffee on our way to our hike. It was a different kind of birthday, but that’s kinda par for the course these days. We did take a hike as a family back down to the ocean today. I will always love the sight and sound of the ocean water. “Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.” Those words from that old, old hymn were brought to mind today as I stared out over the ocean bay. I went in the grocery store for a few minutes to try to get some other baking supplies and butter...not today. But while I was in the store, the kids were with Roger. They found a cellphone on the ground, and Roger found a number to call. The phone belonged to someone who was anxious to get it back, so we drove part of the way to Augusta to bring back the phone. She was very appreciative, but again it was weird...no handshake any conversation to speak of...I don’t think I will ever again take a handshake or a hug for granted again. It was out of the way for us, but an opportunity to do good to someone else. And that’s another reason to be thankful for today.

I had many opportunities to pray today, and I hope you did as well. I firmly believe that God CAN turn the tide of this virus. I believe that He CAN bring America back to Himself. He CAN unite our nation. He CAN save us from destruction. He CAN give us freedom. He CAN save souls, and I’m praying that He will. Please do not be apathetic in praying for our world and our nation. There is much at stake here, and we cannot falter or fail.

I had a phone conversation with my friend, Allison. It’s not the same, but we make do with what we have at the moment. It was good to hear her voice, and I know that she prays fervently for many of the same requests that I have. We spent time in prayer before hanging up, and I’m thankful for her.

Later this afternoon, I visited with my friend, Ashley, by phone as well. We need to be checking in with each other! I’m thankful for her friendship and the bond we share in Christ. I’m thankful that we have voices to pray out loud to our Heavenly Father. We need to check on each other, pray for each other, and bear the burdens of others. It’s easy to be focused on our own problems and worries at hand. Yet in the book Ive been reading to the kids the author makes the statement “When we are fearful, that is when we are the most selfish” Read that statement again!

Tonight we watched the movie, “Facing the Giants” with our family. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. It’s about revival and that is something we desperately need! The coach makes a reference in that movie that the Bible says over 360 times to “Fear not”, so we should take note of that. In a world that is very, very fearful, “Fear not” my friends. “If God be for us than who can be against us?” “Be strong and of a good courage...” “Fear not, nor be afraid...” “I am the Lord and there is none else.”

Take heart, my friends. Guard against apathy, pray earnestly, fervently and often. If there is a specific way that we can pray for you or help you, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Our love,

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