Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, March 30, 2020

Two weeks of “at-home” learning!

Today I am sharing another one of my favorites. I truly do enjoy upbeat, fast music, but as of late, I’ve found myself needing more of the meditative type music. 

I almost didn’t write tonight, because it just seems like it doesn’t matter. We are all in the middle of the muddle together, and nothing makes sense or seems “normal” anymore. I have to rest in the fact that God sees the storm from the other side. He knows about tomorrow because He’s already there. I have to find comfort in that fact. 

I really wasn’t feeling that great today, so it was nice to have Roger home. He was scheduled to work today, but the weather was not flyable. It’s nice to have another person listen to Emma read or help figure out a lesson or just provide an additional set of hands. I worry about doing too little and having our kids be behind when we get back to school (Notice I said when, not if) Still believing that God can reopen school this year. It’s hard to get everything checked off every day, and I worry about one of our kids falling through the cracks and being far behind. I have a few that are very independent learners, and some that are not very motivated at all. It’s not all roses over here! I’m finding it challenging to have all my ducks in a row, so to speak, and I consider myself a fairly organized person. 

It snowed this morning. I was not excited about that, but hey, I don’t get to decide. I’m thankful that God knows what He is doing in and through all of this. Since Roger had off, the took the boys fishing this afternoon. They didn't catch any fish, but they came back all wet and soaked...and happy they got to go. I’m thankful that Roger is also willing to do fun things with them during these long days for all of us. 

Take heart, weary friends, God knows where we are today. 

Maine cases of Coronavirus are up to 273. I am hearing rumors of schools not reopening this year, but I refuse to borrow tomorrow’s problems. We will just continue to pray, and rest in the fact that God is in control. Please let us know if you have any specific prayer requests. We are happy to pray with you and for you. 

Photo credit: georgemuller.org 

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