Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day #2! We are still here!

Beautiful Ocean

Our “treasures”

Fun in the sand

Our pile at home

Beautiful spot

Thankful for this girl and the sun!

Emma and “Annie” 

Whew! Here we are on day two of  “at-home” schooling! We are settling in much better today, but I wouldn’t say that it’s anyone’s favorite thing ever. But, the grace of God still extends to us, and we will rejoice in that.

Our state is closing down -basically. All groups larger than ten are prohibited, and we already have seven in our family! All non-essential businesses are closing and social distancing is strongly suggested. I don’t like pain, and this feel very painful. However, I could endure the pain better if I knew that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel! The governor has mandated these rules in effect until March 31. It is my heart’s cry, along with many others, that at this point in time (March 31) we will be able to uncover some semblance of normal again- what is normal?! Across our nation, school are closed; people are fearful; and the uncertainty of the unknown looms ominously. I have never felt the need to prayer greater than I have these last few days, and I implore you to pray for our nation, our world, our president, our communities, our churches, and of course, our very dear small school.  What a God we serve though...if He can move mountains, than He’s got this too.

In other brighter news, I love the sound of the ocean water. We went to the airport to run in to pick up Roger’s boss’s dog. Then we headed on a hike down to the ocean shore. Really, there is something amazing and calming about the vast, vast ocean water and the endless, never ending waves. I am always reminded of the verse, “I am your God. I change not” whenever I see the ocean. Oh wait...there’s another promise from God! We tromped along the beach shore gathering up sea glass, sea shells, and as happy as clams. It was such a calming sensation to my heart to see our children laugh and be children on the beach. For just a moment, life’s worries and concerns fell away. Emma gathered up a lot of sea glass, and we found a lot of that today. Emma also hauled home a broken lobster buoy, a bunch of driftwood, and pockets full of shells.

This morning, I called one of our school teachers at 6:30am, so that we could pray together. In these times of uncertainty and social distancing, I welcomed the opportunity to pray with one of our dear staff ladies, Mrs. Wheelis. We had a time of burden bearing and concerns, but also a time of laying those burdens at the feet of Jesus. Time spent in prayer is never wasted, and I know that the God of eternity past is also the God of eternity future. I hope that you were encouraged in prayer today.

After coming back from our hike at the beach, the kids played outside yet again. We worked on cleaning up the yard, and Emma did a little more reading. Being thrust back into teaching kindergarten was totally unexpected, so we are wading through it together. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be home with our children, and I rejoice in days that are sunny!

I called my friend, Allison, later this afternoon as I have certainly missed seeing her this week- even though I last saw her on Monday! Again a time of burden bearing, and bringing our fervent and ceaseless requests before our Heavenly Father. The only ONE Who can bring something good out of something that seems a mess is the God that we depend upon.

How about you? What encouraging thing happened in your life today? What are you thankful for?

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6. Have you ever noticed that the word “path” is plural. It’s not just one path for our life (although only ONE way to heaven) but our lives have more than one path. Thankful that God sees all our paths!

Emma’s school outfit choice today. 

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