Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day #10 - Word of the Year: Undoubtedly Jesus

Welcome to Wednesday, March 25! I know that I'm not the only one that feels like this month is taking forever to get through, but by the grace of God, we are almost through another day!

Travis would rather stomp through mud than use the trail!

Garett is pondering life

Chandler is looking for "treasure"

Our friend "Annie"

Beautiful Ocean


God's Creation

Fun Times

Word of the day: Undoubtedly Jesus. Yes, that's a phrase, not a word, and it's not even my own thought completely. I was listening to a message that my brother-in-law (Nate) posted to Facebook by a preacher. The preacher was praying out to God for His Divine Intervention. The pastor stated, "What if the word of 2020 is not "social distancing", what if instead the word of the year is "Undoubtedly Jesus"?! I realized that is exactly what I am praying for in our nation and in our world. I am pleading with God to do something so big, so amazing,  that the world has no choice but to state, "That was a God thing!" Do NOT listen to the media's constant negativity...instead I challenge you to pray believing! President Trump is asking for God's people to pray that God does something mighty by April 12...do you know what April 12th is? That is Resurrection Sunday- the day we as Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! On a day when the world had no hope 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ arose from the dead! I implore you to join with me in praying and fasting that God will do a mighty work in our nation, that people will call upon the Lord, that the praying people of God will storm the gates of Heaven with our prayers, that this corona virus will be thrust into the depths of Hell, and that the power of God will go forth boldly! I challenge you tonight...pray believing that He can!

Maine News: Our cases of corona are up to 142. That's a significant jump from yesterday. The governor called for the closure of non-essential businesses, but there still seemed to be quite a few cars out and about when we went out for our hikes. Of course, maybe they're like us and just looking for a new place to walk. This order is in effect until April 8. As with wherever you are, please pray that this virus will be stopped. God is able.

Yesterday was a snowy March day and today was a beautiful, sunny, spring day! I had a staff meeting scheduled for this morning, and I was ridiculously excited about attending a staff meeting! We are a small staff (only eight of us) so we fit within the window of small groups, and we definitely practiced social distancing. The meeting was to start at 8:30am this morning, and when it was time for me to leave, I could not find the keys to the van. Roger had driven it the last time, and when I called him, the keys were in his jacket pocket...at work! We have a second set-somewhere! I panicked and prayed at the same time as we searched diligently for the extra set of keys. I had no idea where the keys could be, as we just don't use the spare set as much anymore. I prayed, and asked our children to pray that we would be able to find the keys so that I could get to the meeting. Chandler discovered the extra set in my school bag (which I haven't opened in over a week). It was a shaky mental health moment, but God sustained and allowed us to find the keys! Thanks you, Jesus!

We have been having staff prayer meetings via phone, but I was really looking forward to praying together in person. There is something special about praying together in person, and I savor moments of prayer like never before. One blessing in all of this trial is that God has given plenty of time to pray and to read His Word. I have found great comfort in reading through the Psalms (again) and underlining all the promises of God. He is faithful. He is our Rock. He is our Deliverer. He is our strong tower. He is the giver of sleep. He sets up and takes down rulers. He cares.

Our staff meeting began with prayer with our weekly prayer partners, and then group staff prayer time together. I could feel the presence of God today as eight women poured out their hearts before a holy God pleading for Him to do a mighty work both in us, our students, our community, our nation, and our world. It was an unhurried time of prayer, and I treasured the time spent in prayer.

Following our prayer time, we worked on technology ideas and ways to teach our students remotely. It's certainly not a challenge that just our school is facing, but each school has different ways of doing education. For our school, we have found that packets sent home with the students are helpful. The teachers provide the material for two weeks, the parents pick up the work, and the students have two weeks to complete the work. Our teachers are always available via e-mail, phone or facebook messenger. In many ways, preparing to teach remotely is much, much harder than teaching in the classroom. Remote teaching via packets requires thinking outside the box. It requires thinking of both the parent and the student, how many other students are at home, how much time should the school work take, how to balance out too much with too little...ah! However, we managed to muddle through much of what we needed to discuss with much laughter and discussion. One of my favorite moments from today was trying to teach all of our staff a crash course in using Google Meets! It was quite a few moments of confusion and chaos as we navigated through getting everyone online ...in the same meeting! And making sure we were keeping social distancing! It created some fun light-hearted moments, and I'm sure there will be more memories created as the teachers and students navigate through this new experience.

When I came home from our staff meeting, our children had finished up most of their school work. Chandler had helped Emma with her reading, letters, and numbers. I was surprised by how much patience he had with her, as that is not usually his strong suit! I could tell that everyone needed to get out of the house, so we made lunch, and headed out for a hike. Garett is supposed to find "acts of kindness" to do for his journal every day, so he asked if we could go get Annie (Roger's boss's dog) from the airport. I hopped out at the airport to get Annie, and we were on our way to hike. These hikes are fun and enjoyable, but it's always weird when we no longer ask anyone to join our family, and instead just hike on our own. I definitely enjoy the time, but it is different. We took two different hikes today, but both went down to the ocean. For just a few moments, the world doesn't seem quite so crazy as we hike out on the trails and stomp around down by the ocean. Chandler found some small rocks to dig through at one of the beaches. I asked him why he was laying down on the rocks and sand looking through the rocks. He replied, "Well, sometimes you can't see the greatest treasure unless you're right down next to it." Huh! Isn't that life?! Sometimes we don't know what a great treasure we have unless it is staring us in the face. My greatest treasure is my relationship with Jesus Christ. Following that is my spouse and children. I've been guilty of taking my "treasures" for granted...our church family, our Christian school, my time with my friends, shopping, coffee, whatever! Being thrust into a different situation as of late has forced me to re-evaluate my "treasures". I've been given extra time to "treasure" God and His Word, extra time to pray, extra time with our children, extra time to be at home...today I choose to be grateful for all those "treasures". What treasures do you find yourself enjoying these days?

Following one hiking trail, we found another one to hike. We went to a trail that did a loop so you didn't have to come back the same way. It was a rocky beach (big rocks) so we didn't find any sea glass, but it was still a beautiful spot. If God can bring each wave crashing into the shore at His perfect timing, then watching over us- He's got this! Today conquer your fear with your faith! Ask God to give you peace as you sleep tonight, knowing that regardless of what the future might hold, God's already there. But, again, in closing, I'll implore you to pray for God to do great and mighty things as only He can do!

My sister sent the kids a little care package yesterday, so that totally made their day. Of course, she included a slime kit, so they've been having a grand time making messes! They carefully divided up the snacks that she sent, so that every child had the same amount. Travis told Emma, "When you eat all your snacks, there gone. So don't ask me to share with you!" I have to laugh sometimes at Travis's lack of diplomacy, but he gets his point across!

These days can be long, and sometimes I'm not sure if I'm steering this boat or just along for the ride as we rush towards the rapids! We try to have some type of structure every day, but sometimes we just stomp outside, get fresh air, fed lots of children, and do laundry...yet at the end of the day, I'm still tired! One day at a time, sweet Jesus.

I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

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