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Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday ...Day # Hang in There!

Saturday...Day # Hang in There!

Papa and Wyatt

Emma on the trail 

Climbing rocks...a favorite part of the hike. 

Psalm 4:8 “I will both lay me down in peace,  and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest  me to dwell in safety.” 

I‘ve been reading though the Psalms for part of my devotions every morning, and the Psalms always bring me such great comfort. I’ve been highlighting the promises of God as I go through, and in each chapter He give comfort. We’ve got no other recourse, but to cling to the Word right now, and to pray, pray, pray!

Today the sun was shining....Thank you, Jesus! While it was a bit on the chilly side, we still managed a hike, fishing, and I even got in a short run. So, many reasons to be thankful despite the dire circumstances around our world.

In Maine today: our updated number for the Coronavirus is 70, with 41 of those cases being in the same county. I would love to see these number stop rising, and I firmly believe that God can and will do that. Do you? Did you pray fervently about it today? Even when it seems like God is not listening, He promises that He hears our cry. I have to cling to the promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and that He knows exactly where we are, and what we need.

This morning I woke up around 6:00 am. When I came downstairs, Chandler told me that he had finished up all his schoolwork reading for the day, and he had done some of his math lesson. I stared at him and said, “You do know this is Saturday, right?” He gaped at me, and then replied, “I don’t know any of the days anymore!” I felt so badly for him as our life has been turned upside down, and our kids struggle to know which day is which. We stay at home, go out to public places only when necessary, and we go outside...a lot!

This morning we fed everyone breakfast which consisted of twenty eggs, a pound of sausage, and half a loaf of bread! Everyone surely seems to get hungry often around here! Eating is not cancelled on account of the Coronavirus!

A hike in the morning, lunch, and Roger and my dad took the boys fishing this afternoon. I sat down and wrote letters to some of the older folks in our church. If I’m lonely at times, I can’t imagine how some of them must feel! Since we won’t be able to have church tomorrow due to the limit of ten per group setting, some of our older folks must be very lonely. I know many of them look forward to Sundays as it is their outing of the week, and they get to visit with many of the friends. My heart goes out to them, and if anyone has any creative idea other than writing notes or phone calls, I’d love to hear them.

While Roger was gone taking the boys fishing, the man who owns the other empty lots came up our driveway. I went out to see who it was, and we stood a significant distance apart, and didn’t shake hands...so weird! He told me that an older couple has bought the lot next to us, and they are planning to put a house up on the lot. So it looks like neighbors will be moving in sometime this summer, Lord willing. Please pray with us that this older couple will enjoy children and that we can be a blessing to our new neighbors when they move in.

Roger’s birthday is tomorrow, and I am so not prepared! My parents ordered pizza for his birthday, so we enjoyed that, but I think I’ll be making a card tomorrow! We will be making home-made cinnamon rolls for breakfast as a treat. We will certainly miss being with our church family tomorrow, and we pray for the day when we can all get together again. Wyatt made chocolate chip cookies today, and he did a great job. I’m thankful to teach the boys how to cook and bake, as these are also important life skills. I’m completely baffled by the lack of groceries in the grocery stores these days....excuse me, If you didn’t know how to cook and bake before, that is not going to magically happen simply because you have a bunch of staples in your cupboards! How about leaving some food for those of us that have large families to feed every day?! I realize that people can learn how to cook via the internet and videos, but people are definitely in a food-buying panic!

So, what good has happened today?
1) I hug my children more these days, and I love the “I love yous” I get from our children.

2) I have had time to write about our activities every day, and someday, Lord willing, we will look back on these days at a time that the Lord showed Himself strong and mighty.

3) God is still faithfully watching over us, and I have come to crave my prayer time with the Lord. I missed praying with one of our staff ladies as today is the weekend, so I look forward to resuming our phone call prayers on Monday. Generally, I am not at all a fan of phone prayers as they often feel stilted and awkward. But lately when I’ve prayed on the phone, I‘Ve felt connected and intimate with the Lord.

4) My parents are here for a few days, and I’m thankful that my kids have the opportunity to visit with them.

5) God love me...and you!

Funny moment: Garett was eating a cookie before lunch, and I asked him why he was eating a snack before lunch. Wyatt replied, “Mom, he’s having an advertisement.” It took me a moment, but I realized that the word that Wyatt was looking for was “appetizer”! I got a good chuckle out of that. I’m thankful for moments of laughter.

Psalm 6:11 “But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them; let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.”

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