Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day #Don’t lose Hope!

I’m starting off this blog post with another song. Truly music can bring comfort to our weary souls, and this is another one of my favorites. (But I probably have enough “favorites” to have one a day for at least a year!)

So, I don’t know where you stand on this whole Coronavirus pandemic, and I really don’t have any great words of wisdom. But I know that true wisdom is not found in man’s words, but in what God has to say. God says...do not be afraid. God says...I am always with you. God says...I am on the throne. God says....all things work together for good. God says....I have overcome the world. So for today, let’s choose to rest in that, shall we? 

Today was another interesting Sunday. We made it to our church service on time...but we were almost late as the service actually started a few minutes early! I can’t imagine being one of the pastors that is preaching to an empty room, as I know I struggle with paying attention when watching something online. However, I do find encouragement in watching many of the online services from many of my friends churches. Definitely, the Word of God went forth today, and I can rejoice in that. 

Roger took the kids fishing this afternoon, and it was just Emma and I at home this afternoon. I have been enjoying having our kids around, but to be honest...I think they’re tired of just mom! I know I’m not a “fun” teacher when it comes to educating all of them at home, and sometimes my mentality is “Let’s just get this done and do what we need to do”. I’ve looked over all the packets of work that our kids need to complete in the next two weeks, and I think I’ve braced myself for the challenge and we are ready to dive back in tomorrow. I’ll let you know! 

I was able to get in a nice long run (a long run for me anyways!) this morning, so that was especially nice. I’ve quit using headphones lately when I run because I’m just finding so many things to pray for, and I can focus better without noise. I was able to get in almost six miles total, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to be outside. This week is looking to be quite dreary outside, so I’m bracing myself fo some long days ahead. However, God is in charge of the weather too! We will take each day one at a time. 

Tomorrow will make two weeks since we closed the school building for a while. I was hoping/praying that by some miracle we would be able to get back to school in April, but tonight our President extended the social distancing guidelines until at least April 30. It’s a bit overwhelming, and daunting to say the least! Let’s be sure to uphold each other, our nation, our states, our communities, our schools, and our children in prayer. We know that God is still faithful. Be aware of the attacks of Satan and pray against them...pray believing. Sometimes, I just have to write that out-just to remind myself! 

I’d appreciate your prayers for us, as we prepare to navigate some new territory with our students this week. Our desire is to stay connected with them, even though it is much harder to do. We know that God is in this all. 

Maine is up to 253 cases of Corona, and the “experts” say that the number will continue to rise. We do need to be cautious and concerned about those that are vulnerable around us...it’s the fear that concerns me more. People are so fearful! I get it though because if your trust isn’t in the Lord than its in mankind. And mankind makes mistakes and often uses fear to control people...stay safe and keep praying. 

Our children have been using graphite paper for some of their “art” projects at home. It’s been fun to see them learn to do something new. 

Church this morning. 

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