Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day # Still Waiting (Saturday)

I’m starting off tonight, but reminding you of the Bible verse above. In a world where we wonder if we will ever hear any “good news” again, keep in mind the promises of God. It’s what keeps me praying, keeps me pressing on, and keeps me secure. 

Also, here is a link to one of my favorite songs. I have many, so I couldn’t possibly begin to know where to start, but this one has surely been on my mind. Garett and I sang this last Sunday at our “at-home” service. Jesus truly is a Wonderful, Merciful Savior. 

Another day to cross off the calendar- thank you, Lord! I know I can’t be the only one who feels like the month of March has truly been the longest month ever! 

Roger was working today, and for that we are very thankful. Roger’s job is considered “essential” due to the freight and mail that they move across the islands. I am very, very thankful for his job, his boss, and the people that he works with as they are all quite level-headed about the whole thing. I know that for many Mainers as well as people from literally around the world, that is not the case. Perhaps you are fearful or worried, please let me know how we can pray specifically for you. I’m seeing our children emerge into praying children of God as their prayers have started to change from “Dear God, help us to have a good day” and a few other snippets to asking God to intervene on behalf of our nation, our world, our communities, churches and schools. And for that, I am thankful. I don’t know about you, but in my personal life, God has always shown Himself to be strong and faithful. When we’ve had a need in our lives, God has always, always provided. Now it’s been in His timing, and not mine, but He’s always right on time. 

As Roger was working, Garett and I took our trash to the dump. It’s interesting to me that now that the Coronavirus is scaring people, we’ve stopped recycling! It’s all single-stream trash now, and hurry up and leave type mentality! It does make doing the trash a lot easier, as now all our trash can be thrown into one bin. I’m thankful that Garett is willing and able to help do that job. 

We took a short bike ride, and then I loaded up the kids to go on a hike. We’ve been exploring other hiking trails, and we must be choosing ones that a lot of other people aren’t visiting. We really haven’t seen too many people on the trails. It’s been fun to explore different areas and hikes, but I know that our kids favorites are the ones that go down to the ocean. A few days ago we found some rocks around our house, and dug some shells out of our shell collection. Chandler and I wrote Bible verses on the rocks and shells, and we’ve been leaving them in various places on our walks. Today we hiked down to an old fort site, and the kids found some clay along the Oceanside. They hauled it back up the trail and brought it home. It has kept several children happily entertained for several hours today, so I think it was worth the mess and hassle of bringing it home. 

I left the kids in the car while I went into the grocery store to get milk and eggs. We bought several dozen eggs the other day, but now some grocery stores are limiting how many dozen eggs you can buy and how many gallons of milk. It’s a bit aggravating as I really don’t like to go into the grocery store these days, but butter, eggs, cheese, and milk, are things that a big family can go through a lot of in a short amount of time. It was a weird grocery store experience, and I’m praying diligently for Corona to go away! There was an employee sitting at the entrance to the store counting people going in and an employee at the exit counting people going out. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait to go in the store. Then there is tape all over the floor reminding people to stay six feet apart from each other. Finally, at the checkout there are more warning signs telling you not to put your groceries on the conveyor belt until the person ahead of you has left. When you do put your groceries on the conveyor belt, there is a plexiglass wall separating you from the cashier. And then they’re bagging your groceries in plastic bags! Say what?! All that hype about people needing to bring their own bags or pay for paper bags, but now its like, “we are in such a hurry for you to leave. Here’s  a plastic bag to shove your groceries in and leave quick!” Oh well...it saves me from remembering my re-useable bags which I was never very good at anyways! I’m thankful that I was able to find milk and butter, and that with those things we can go back to eating out of the pantry for a while again! 

What I am thankful for today:
* sunshine- somehow everything seems a bit brighter when the sun is shining

* prayer- I know it’s not just me that is praying for God to do a mighty work, but others are also praying diligently 

* yard space- our yard is a muddy, sloppy mess with bike tracks all through it. But the kids can go outside, and for that I am very thankful. 

* God is still at work. I firmly believe that God can send a revival around this world, and that perhaps He is using this virus to soften the hearts of many to turn to Him. 

* The end of the story is that Jesus Reigns! I might not like this chapter so much or how this seems to be going so far, but fear does not need to be a part of my life. 

Mud/Clay- yes, please!

                                              They were delighted to find “clay”

The great outdoors 

Garett is making a journal for school. He’s collected a whole box of “treasures” to show his teacher. He found these feathers today. 

This wood bear carving at the end of the hike was a fun surprise for Emma. 

                                                            Thankful for these five! 

Maine news: The number of cases continues to rise which causes great consternation among so many. I’m thankful that while we should be cautious and careful, I do not need to be ruled by fear nor do I need to have my children feel that way. We are up to 211 cases of the virus in Maine, with two counties showing signs of community spread. More people have recovered, but apparently no one thinks that’s exciting news! Oh, and over 3,600 people have tested negative for the virus...which seems like that would also be good news! 

John 16:33 In this world ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.

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