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Our family
Robertson Family

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Three Things I want my Children to Remember from COVID-19 (Day # ?)


"Great and Mighty is the Lord our God, great and mighty is He" The words from this song, just keep going around and around in my mind. Truly, we serve a Great and Mighty God! Let's cling to His promises, even when the way around us seems dark. God is faithful.

Our world and our lives have changed so much in just the last two weeks along. The "experts" say that the worst is still to come, but I'm challenging you today to pray believing that God can and will provide a miracle. Wouldn't it be glorious, wonderful and special if we could worship together in person on Resurrection Sunday? I'm here to tell you that I absolutely believe that is possible! I was talking with one of our staff ladies yesterday, and we were talking about miracles. We've read about them in the Bible, and we take God at His Word, but for some reason, it's a lot harder for us to grasp the fact that He can give a miracle of this worldwide proportion! Oh, yes, He can! Mrs. Martz and I were discussing the story in the Old Testament where the Lord tells Moses to get out of the way because the Lord was going to destroy this wicked and perverse people. Moses refuses to get out of the way, and instead pleads with God to not destroy the people. Hello? Anyone? That's where we are today...we are pleading with God and storming the gates of Heaven with our prayers that God will have mercy and grace upon us. Do not be weary!

Today I fed people. I taught people. I did laundry. I fed people. I went on a run with Chandler. I fed people. I did more laundry. I fed people. That is all.

Not entirely true...I also prayed fervently for God to give us a miracle that we don't deserve. Also, our children are finishing up their second week of "at-home"learning, so we are preparing to exchange our schoolwork tomorrow for the next two weeks of work. I know a lot of schools are going to digital learning and switching to online for classes,etc. but I'll be honest...I like the packets. I like checking off the papers that are completed. I like the fact that I don't have to find five devices or stagger my time so that all my kids can get their education. I like the fact that it seems manageable if it's in two week increments. I like the fact that our teachers are working so hard to stay connected with the students and parents. None of this is ideal, but we all choices to make on our attitudes about the situation.

I had my early morning prayer time with Mrs. Wheelis. I had my 8:30 prayer time with Mrs. Heanssler (another staff lady) and I had an unexpected opportunity to have prayer with another dear lady this afternoon. Roger and I were talking this morning and praying about what we want our children to remember about this time at home. I think what I want can be summed up in 3 things:
            1) I want our children to remember that they felt safe and secure at home. While the world was doing crazy things (and our states), I want them to remember that home felt safe and secure.
           2) I want our children to remember all the outdoor times we had as a family. All the walks, hikes, runs, bike rides, car rides, sea-glass collecting, can collecting, etc. I want them to remember those fun moments.
         3) Most importantly, I want our children to remember this as a time when their faith came alive. A time when they realized how important praying is both for ourselves and others. I want them to remember their mom and dad falling on their knees before a Holy God and begging God to do a great miracle.

Chandler and I went on a three-mile run today. He is getting to be fast. And he will be much faster than I am soon! I'm thankful for these opportunities to spend time with him.

I read over our children's journals today. They've been writing for about a week now. There were some really interesting entries! I had to tell Chandler that I wanted him to write about more than "It snowed. Then the snow melted." Um...that does not count as a journal entry! I had to tell Garett that I'm pretty sure that his teacher would want to read more than just about what he ate at each meal the entire time! Oh, well, it did provide some laughter for me for today!

The weather was sunny today, and it felt like spring. It was a glorious day to get outside. Our kids probably spent close to  six plus hours outside today. They built a bike ramp using the picnic table, and made a bike trail going around the house, a jump onto the back porch and a hard jarring off the other side. Oh well, they were getting along great, and by the grace of God, no one was hurt!

Tonight we are going to try something with our ladies Bible study group. We are going to try a Google Hangouts Meet for a time of Scripture and Prayer. I've only every used it for the first time yesterday, and here we are trying to use it again. I would love you to pray that it works out smoothly. It seems like such a little thing in light of the vast amount of miracles we are asking for, but I know that God cares about the little things too. We miss each other, so I'm praying that this will be a sweet time of fellowship and prayer.

Stay faithful and Keep Praying...

Happy to run with Chandler

Emma still dresses up for school almost every day

Maine News: We have 155 cases of Corona. Apparently, the peak is still yet coming, but you know my thoughts on that. We have not been issued a "Safer at home" order, but non-essential businesses are closed, people are worried, unemployment is up 800% from the same time period as last year. Blah, blah, blah...does anyone have any GOOD news anymore?!

The U.S. has more cases than any other nation...this should not be a surprise and it should not make headlines...we have A LOT of people living in the United States. That's just my opinion on the matter.

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