Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Day # Freedom -Both Summer and American Freedom!

Hard at work!

Summer! Today we celebrated the first day of summer school break by participating in a bit of American Freedom!

I had read yesterday about the governor’s orders to once again extend the “safer-at-home” order and this time it’s “until rescinded”. It grieves me greatly to see governors that are abusing their powers against the people. Its supposed to be about government by the people and for the people, but lately there certainly seems to be less and less of that type of approach! As a state, we very much complied with the first request of the governor way back in March. We stayed home. We stopped visiting with people. We only did the very essentials, and we worked to protect the vulnerable. However, here we are TEN (10) weeks later, and the only thing that has changed is that we have lost more and more freedoms! At first, masks were not mandated. Apparently, COVID-19 heard that Mainers weren’t wearing masks, so that was instituted for the second day at home extension. (Insert sarcasm here) At first, we needed to “flatten the curve”. Mainers did that so well that the curve was not only flattened it was sat upon! The most people that have people hospitalized at one time in our state for COVID-19 has been 60! 60 people out of a state with 1.3 million people spread across over 35,000 square miles. We are the least densely populated state east of the Mississippi. Explain to me again how this is not about power?!

Okay, back from rabbit trail number one! After taking trash to the dump and doing our Saturday chores, I called Roger. Roger had to work today, but he was totally on board with me taking the kids to the Freedom Rally. I explained to our children that protesting in America is perfectly legal and acceptable. What has happened in Minneapolis is NOT a protest! That is a group of riotous thugs who now seem to care more about their own agenda that the memory of George Floyd! At what point in time is it acceptable and appropriate to DESTROY someone else’s property? We make our kids pay for the stuff that they break if they destroy something that does not belong to them! You do not get to be angry and then take out your anger on someone else’s property! I think that police officer should definitely be charged for murder! He took someone else’s life! I also wonder why people were filming this whole incident instead of trying to help the man? We are trying to raise our children to not only desire to be Godly, but also to be good citizens! We do not stand by when another person is being hurt- that is wrong!

Back from rabbit trail number two (I feel like I’m writing one of those recipe blogs where the reader is like, “where on earth is the stinking recipe?”). Anyways, Roger and I decided that we should take our children to the rally, or rather I would take them. I helped the kids write out signs for the protest, and Chandler and Garett wrote on the van. Garett first tried a dry erase marker. He told me that he had written “honk for freedom”. I went out so see, and I asked, “where did you write it?” It was not even visible! Another plan was needed. Chandler came up with these markers that he had used for some type of project. They are like paint markers...and I guess we will be seeing how long they last on the van! “Honk for Freedom” is now visible though! We finished up our signs, prayed for God to give us direction, and we headed out. Chandler, Wyatt and Garett all expressed that they were a little bit nervous. If I was totally honest, so was I! But I feel like this was an important moment for our children. America seems to be on the brink of socialism. I do not want to go down without fighting against that. I want our children to see a mom who is/was patriotic and willing to do hard things to try to stand against wrongs. We must teach our children to be patriotic and what that means! I believe that previous generations failed the next generation back in the 1960s and 70s. Good Christians were at home raising their families and doing good things, but it kinda seems that it was a time where what was happening in the political world was ignored. Prayer was removed from the schools, and then abortion was legalized...where were the Christians?! Maybe I’m off my rocker, but it seems that Christians got involved in their own little bubble and forgot about the world at large or about raising another generation to be patriotic and to be involved in politics. It seems that now there is a surge going back towards Christians getting involved in politics...hopefully, it’s not too late!

Ha! By now you’re wondering ...did they go to the rally?! YES! We went to the rally in Augusta today. We participated in the drive-thru protest first and there was a lot of horns honking, people waving flags, and many signs! After we did that a few times, I decided to let the kids get out of the car. Originally I had not planned on that but there was plenty of space for social distancing. I’m not worried about social distancing, but our governor has mandated that if you can’t be six feet away, you must wear a mask. I’m not a fan of those. However, there was plenty of space for social distancing. I got to see first hand how some pictures are very, very deceiving that are posted by the media! The majority of people were spread out all along the sidewalks. I took the kids over to where I needed to sign the petition, but we stayed on the outskirts as it was hot! I would’ve enjoyed listening to some of the speakers, but it was way too hot for the kids to stand in the sun listening to someone speak about something over their head! We did have several people thank the kids for coming to the rally, and telling them how important they are to America. That was encouraging for our children to hear and for me also! We did not stay real long, but it was a great experience for our kids. There were several hundred people there, and everyone was polite, friendly, and respectful. It was exactly what I would want our children to see at a protest! The boys all said that they were glad that they got to go  the protest. Emma wanted to know why no one was handing out snacks! A dear friend had offered to keep the kids while I went to the rally, but I’m glad I took them with me. Emma would probably not want to go again, but I think the boys would definitely willingly participate again.

I think that there are A LOT of Americans that are hesitant to get involved in this whole COVID-19 debacle. Listen...we did the right thing right away back in March! We did exactly what was asked. However, now we are seeing more and more freedoms infringed upon! The time to be vigilant, diligent and involved is right now! Write letters to the Department of Justice, your governor, state representatives, etc. Support those that seem to be the right candidates for the next elections! Love people! Pray! You may think I’m crazy or that I’ve gone off the deep end! Maybe I have...but I want our kids to see a mama that loves Jesus, loves people, loves America, and is willing to stand up for ALL of those!

Rabbit Trails over! You made it! :)

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