Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Day # Worship and Wonderings

Drive in Concert- this was before the parking lot was full. It was a beautiful day for a outdoor concert! 


Sunday! What a blessing it was to enjoy a “drive-in” worship concert this afternoon in our church parking lot. I can say that I’ve never done anything like that before in my life, but it was a special and joyous occasion.

Roger, Garett and Chandler went out to Matinicus Island early this morning as Roger had a job to do out there this morning. Chandler brought his bike along, and he was happy to bike! I had two disappointed younger boys when they woke up this morning, so they are anxiously awaiting their turn to do something special with dad.

We went to the drive-in service at church this morning, and while we have so appreciated the opportunity to hear God’s Word over the radio and to yell at our friends in the vehicle next to us, we miss being in the church building to worship together. Lord willing, next Sunday, we will be able to worship together in our church building. Oh, what a day that will be! I simply cannot grasp the fact that churches have so many “guidelines” in our state. Attending church is definitely one thing that is totally OPTIONAL to attend (look at how many people do not go when things are going well!),so why all the requirements for churches? If people don’t feel safe, stay home! No one is making anyone attend church services, so recommendations such as “no singing”, “plexiglass barriers”, “Face coverings”, etc. all seem excessive for a bunch of people that are coming together because they would like to do so.
Photo credit: Family Council 

This morning, while out on my walk, I was talking to my good friend, Jenna. We had a conversation about why Christians are being so silent in this battle online. The opposite side is certainly not hesitant to constantly and often repeat their propaganda, but why are Christians not speaking out often and freely for the rights that we’ve been given? The truth of the matter is that we can no longer be silent! Articles, posts, and podcasts are going missing due to “misinformation” or rather information that disagrees with the other side. I have no desire to get into a debate with people, because truthfully I’m not very good at expressing myself like that. Every.single.time I got into an argument with my older sister growing up, I always lost! I’m not good at expressing my thoughts or getting those thoughts to come out fluidly in a conversation. But, I cannot sit by idly and watch our freedoms being stripped away. The war is on to eradicate our freedoms in the name of “safety” or to erase information in the name of “misinformation” when in fact the information is accurate and correct but it represents a different side. The Bible warns us to not be easily deceived! We are to “redeem the time” to be aware that the “devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour”. I don’t know what the future holds as that is a timetable that belongs to the Lord, but I do know that we celebrate Memorial Day to honor those who died for our FREEDOMS not to “keep us safe”! Americans- I appeal to you to protect the rights and freedoms that our Armed Forces have fought to preserve. Christians and Americans- I appeal to you to take a stand against evil and darkness. We are children of the LIGHT. We must walk in that LIGHT!

This afternoon, we had an enjoyable time at the drive-in worship concert. In honor of Memorial Day, the American Flag was presented. The Hyssongs sang “God bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood. I very much love that song, and it was one that the junior high students were working on for the Patriotic Program. I know it’ll come as a surprise to you-but I cried. It was very moving, and I so desire that our children will be able to grow up in America that is the land of the free because of the brave!

It was a full day with church services this morning, and a concert this afternoon. The church parking lot was full for the concert, and it was totally weird how that instead of clapping after the songs, the horns on the cars would toot! My kids loved that part. These drive-in services are hard on children, as being cooped up in a vehicle with their siblings is probably not their idea of a good time. Yet, the children really seemed to enjoy the music, and it was exciting for us to see all those people attend. What a witness to our community as the event happened right in front of the church building in the parking lot! God is working-even through these unusual times! Be not discouraged -take heart and rest in His Word.

See that tiny piece of paper? There is a dollar under it. I’m waiting to see how long that piece of paper sits on the floor in the hallway before someone picks it up to move it. 

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