Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Days of Sunshine!!!

This week has been full of sunshine and spring-like temperatures! I haven’t been blogging the last two days because we’ve been busy with school and outside play! And when bedtime comes around, we are all tired-very tired. Travis’s hair has been turning into a very light blond again and his arms have been a bit red from sunshine. The boys have been out riding bikes, golfing (in the front yard) and just enjoying being outside.

Today (5/21) Garett had the opportunity to go with Roger up to Greenville, Maine. There is a DC3 on floats there and Garett and Roger were excited to see it. None of the other boys could be convinced to take a five-hour (round trip) car ride to see an airplane! I think Garett was thrilled to get to go by himself, and he even finished up his school work early to be able to go with Roger. Emma had a google meet with her teacher this morning. I told her that if she could focus and do her very best, we would get a happy meal from McDonald’s and go to the park. Her teacher said that she did very well, and Emma was happy to earn a treat. And today I did it...what is it? I forgot a Google Meet! We have not missed one yet, but today was the day. I completely forgot to have a Google Meet with our preschool class this morning. It just never even crossed my mind- oh well!

I took the kids to a school playground after we stopped for a treat from McDonald’s. We met up with  some friends at the park, so that was nice for the kids and for me! It was a joy to walk and chat with Ashley, while the kids entertained themselves on the playground. Today was such a beautiful day (actually this whole week has been lovely).

The CDC has come out with guidelines for school in the fall that absolutely have my head spinning. Yesterday our governor came out with guidelines for summer camps, day camps, large gatherings, and non-professional sports. I sped read through the material, but it all seems like a basic repeat of what was already in place. No one seems to know if we are supposed to be staying at home or are we a “little bit free”. The campgrounds are open to Maine residents (only) in time for Memorial Day, but yet we are still in a “state of emergency”. The inconsistencies in this whole thing has my mind all wound up like spaghetti! In our governor’s guidelines for swimming yesterday it states that a face covering is not required for swimming...why is that even necessary to state?! Have we lost all sense of reason and common sense that people would be so dumb as to swim with a face covering?!

Maine has seen an increase in Coronavirus cases this week due to the greatly increased testing. I personally, don’t think it’s anything to get alarmed over, but clearly that is just my opinion. I did have a conversation with Roger yesterday about how I am so over the word “safe”. It’s almost a four-letter word in my house right now! I know I’m derailing on a rabbit train right now, but I am very much over the fact that in the name of “safe” we are sacrificing our liberties. I am very, very concerned for our future generations (our children). Our Founding Fathers sacrificed much so that we could have liberty and freedoms. Sometimes, I get defeated and overwhelmed by the situation that is in front of us, but I have courage and hope in Jesus Christ. There is nothing that has happened or will happen that is not allowed by the Ruler of the Universe. God is in control, and nothing can change that! Be not weary (that’s specifically written for me!)

Life feels a bit more “normal” by the ocean

So very thankful for this dear friend! 

                                                      Memory Games before school work this morning

Bike Rides outside 

Almost done with school meetings...by 9:00am they are ready for a second breakfast! 

Blond hair and red arms! 

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