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Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, May 1, 2020

Day# Gratitude

Gratitude- the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness.

That is the character trait that I am focusing on today! It’s often hard for me to have an “attitude of gratitude” these days, and I often think I’m the one needing an attitude adjustment and maybe not my kids! I am grateful today for friendships. We had the opportunity to have an “in-person” staff meeting, and my heart is so blessed by these staff ladies.  I have been grateful for the many opportunities to pray with other ladies in recent days.  Having an early morning prayer meeting with Mrs. Wheelis has certainly helped me start many a long day out on the right foot! I am grateful for all the parents in our Christian school that have worked so diligently with their children over these past few weeks. (It’s not an easy job!)

Today was rainy. And it rained hard for much of the day, but when it was time for the packet pick up the rain had slowed and the wind had died down. That was a direct answer to prayer.

I am thankful that although the governor has now mandated that we wear a mask when we are out in public and can’t social distance, that I survived it. My friend, Mrs. Wheelis, brought me a mask to wear today. It’s lighter than the cloth ones. My sister, Hannah, who is a nurse, would probably say that I am being crazy. “Of course you can breathe in a mask! I do it every day for hours on end!” (I can hear it already!) And I know all those things. But I still don’t like it. I don’t like the feeling of inhaling and feeling that press against my mouth. I don’t like hearing all my words sound all garbled. I had to go to the grocery store after the packet pickup, and I did wear the mask. But half-way through the grocery store, I realized that I now had my mask down around my neck! (So not very effective!)  However, it’s interesting to note that there is no real way of enforcing the mask policy. Because you don’t have to wear a mask if you have a medical condition that prohibits that, and no one can ask you about your medical conditions as that is a violation of Hippa. All of these things get so crazy in a hurry!

I was speaking with our Pastors wife about a few things that have happened in our state that I feel are in violation to our constitutional rights. I stated that I had already written a letter to the DOJ. She made the statement that now is the time that  “good intentions will not do” but “....this is a time for pro-active, praying patriots”. That really resonated with me, and I agree. We still have the freedoms to write letters, contact our congressmen/women, and take action. You really aren’t in a position to complain about something that you don’t agree with until you have done your part to try to make changes. That’s not to say that we always get our way when we follow the proper protocol, etc, but it is the proper actions for us. Be strong, praying, pro-active believers today and rejoice in what God is doing! We do not know what the future holds, but we do know that God will be glorified !

We had a great online Ladies Bible Study last night. It has definitely gotten smoother as we have been meeting online more often! While it’s not my favorite, I am so thankful for the opportunity to read God’s Word and to pray together. We have been trying to meet once a week, and while I am usually tired by the time it’s time for the meeting, I am always glad I joined on.

Roger was working today, and I had a staff meeting and then packet pickup at the school. I am so thankful that our children can be manage at home for a few hours. Most of the time when they call me, it’s to ask if they can eat something! They do have arguments every once in a while, and sometimes they meet me at the door with all their problems, but it is a blessing for them to be able to stay home. Overall, I think that the children are doing well. We do have long days and moments, but just like God is at work in the big picture of the world, He is also at work in and through us. That’s something to be grateful for today!

Maine news: 657 People have recovered!

Information from this article here

Taking away reported deaths and patients who have recovered, there are 411 active cases of the virus in Maine, which is unchanged from Thursday.

According to the Maine CDC website, 35 Mainers are hospitalized with the virus, with 18 in intensive care. Eight people are on ventilators.
Of the state's 330 ICU beds, 171 are available. Of the state's 316 ventilators, 290 are available. There are 397 alternative ventilators available.
Beautiful flowers for the teachers from our friend, Allison and her girls! 

Wearing a mask 

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