Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day # Fishing and Packages! (Along with some furniture moving!)

Clean and Fresh look - at least for today! 

Welcome to another episode of Quarantine writings from the Robertson family! Today we did school, moved furniture, went outside, more school, eating and laundry- what did you do for excitement today?

I know that most of you, if not all of you, are missing your church families, friends, schools, community events, and other social gatherings. I don’t have any great words of encouragement other than we are one day closer to whenever the end might be! I would encourage you to keep the faith and don’t borrow someone else’s fear. What do I mean? Let me explain. We live in a world that is controlled by fear and fearful manipulations. Yet, the Bible tells us many times to “fear not”. It must be important as we are commanded more than 350 times to either “fear not” or “be not afraid”! I even see Christians that are fearful about the situations in our churches, schools, communities, etc. I absolutely believe that we must “bear each other’s burdens”, but I do not think that means we take on their fear. Take your fear and cast it at the feet of Jesus....repeat as often as necessary!

I have very much come to treasure my time of prayer with the staff ladies from our school. It has created some sense of “normalcy” as we pray together often and regularly. I am thankful to hear their voices lifted in prayer to our King.

Today we received an unexpected package in the mail. It was a whole box of whoopie pies! My kids were thrilled, and they are a delicious and delightful treat! Whoopie pies are a Maine dessert, and this particular kind is especially delicious-even with all the calories!

Roger had off of work today, so he helped the boys move around some furniture for me. Since we can’t really go places, and we are spending a lot of time around each other and at home, we needed a change of scenery. I asked the boys and Roger to bring up the furniture that is in our guest room in the basement and switch it out with the furniture that we did have in our living room. The boys were able to use their muscles, as well as some thinking to figure out how to get the furniture up and down the stairs. I am happy with the change, and I know the boys are happy that mom liked it because otherwise they would have needed to switch it all back!

Roger took the boys fishing this afternoon, and while they did not catch any fish, they had a good time together. Wyatt chose to stay home and work on his foam airplane, which is coming along nicely. I am thankful for hot glue guns, tape, foam board and imaginations!

Renee and I had another google meet with our preschoolers. We did not have as good of a turnout as last week, but it was still delightful to see those that did join the meeting. We sure do miss them all. I would appreciate your continued prayers for our school, our students and our teachers. The school board, I’m sure, would also appreciate your prayers as they try to make wise decisions that are the best for our students, parents and teachers. Sometimes, it is hard to balance it all, and I know that the school board would appreciate your prayers for God’s wisdom.

Maine News: 796 Cases total. 27 deaths. 333 recoveries. There is so much more I could write, but truthfully, I am a bit weary!


Team Work! 

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