Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, April 27, 2020

Day# No title

Journal writing 

One big wrestling match after another today! 

She looks so excited about math! 

I am surely hoping that April showers will bring May flowers! Today we woke up to a very dreary day outside, which makes motivation very low on the totem pole. Last week was “spring break” technically, but it was not a wildly exciting week. Regardless we did have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a house to live in-much to be thankful for in our lives!

Our school will continue remote learning until May 29, which will then be our last day of school. I’ll be honest, I cried last week when I heard that school was continuing until May 29th. Granted it is still two weeks earlier than we are scheduled to be done, but I am just weary. I told Roger that I am just trying to keep this boat floating! I’m not into steering or paddling but rather just trying to keep the boat floating! Our children are enjoying all the outdoor time, family time, and relaxed time, but I know that they are all missing going to actual school. We all miss our teachers (having mom teach is NOT the same thing!) our friends, and the activities of school life. Regardless, we are taking one day at a time- along much of our nation! Our confidence is not in mankind but in the power of God!

Emma did not read every day last week, and I was surprised at how much harder that made school for her today. I am seeing the importance of having her stick with her reading over the summer months. We have two children that really do not enjoy reading, so it is sometimes a struggle to keep everyone doing what needs to get done. They love to have me read-a-loud to them, but several of our children really struggle to find something that they enjoy reading on their own. We put one foot in front of the other, and I try not to focus on one thing at a time.

Emma, Wyatt and Travis had the opportunity to talk to a few of their classmates today via Facebook messenger. Emma was very excited to see Lucy, and Wyatt and Travis enjoyed a few minutes speaking with Abel. It was probably Claire and I that were the most excited to see each other, and we interrupted our children’s conversations several times to talk to each other! When you haven’t seen someone for five weeks, it’s so good to “see” them again! Claire is a good friend, and I am thankful for her. We look forward to the day when we can work together on school events again, which may not be until next year. However, that being said, I do have a specific prayer request. Will you pray with us that the restrictions on our gatherings in our state will be lifted enough that we will be able to come together for some type of year end gathering? I feel that some type of picnic or fellowship would help us all get some closure to the school year before we break off into summer break. It’s a big prayer request!

What are you resting in today? Resting in mankind is foolishness. Resting in technology is unwise. Resting in the reporting of the “experts” or “media” will certainly not provide rest. Our rest, our hope, our confidence is in God and God alone! I’ve been reading through the Psalms- again, and I am always reminded of how often David calls out to the Lord to rescue him. We cannot let our emotions run wild and crazy, but rather trust in God and His Word. He is faithful.

Roger had to work today, and we are thankful that his job still has work. Today was non-flyable, but Roger still did a lot of paperwork and other odd jobs that needed to get done. We are thankful that Roger is still working. We really just have so much to be thankful for as we have a home, heat, food, clothes, and all the things that we need.

Maine News: Our stay-at-home or safer-at-home mandate is set to expire on Thursday. However, our governor announced today that she is expecting to extend that mandate. I’ll be honest- I do not agree with this decision as I see so many, many hurting businesses that may not be able to get through this if our state does not ease up on some of these restrictions soon. Now, clearly, I am not in charge and I am not an expert. And I work very hard at keeping my opinion off of social media. However, you choose to read this post tonight, so this is free! :) As a child of God, I absolutely believe that every single life is precious in the eyes of God. And we have 51 deaths in our states as of today. I would like to point out that the majority of these deaths occurred in older people, which are still precious and valuable people. However...it wasn’t that long ago that these exact people that are now touting that every life is valuable and precious and these that think we should keep the state in lockdown are the same people that were proclaiming that we should legalize the euthanasia of those that are critically ill. Oh, and clearly if you want an abortion then that  life is not valuable (insert sarcasm here!) You can’t have it both ways! Either we value all lives...all the time...or not all lives are valuable! And while I absolutely believe that we should value all lives, we also have to consider many other factors in this war on Coronavirus. Okay, I’m getting off this rabbit trail. I do have an opinion that runs much deeper and stronger than what was posted here, but I’m getting off track. We have 1,023 cases of Coronavirus in our state. We have 51 total deaths. And we have 423 active cases in our state. (And we have 1.3 million people that live in our state.)

Please continue to pray for our state and our nation. I do believe that God is at work, and we need to pray and fast while we wait. Take heart in the promises of God tonight.

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